
LPT Batman’s advise “ Always be aware of your surroundings” to thwart robberies assaults road accidents etc

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LPT Batman’s advise “ Always be aware of your surroundings” to thwart robberies assaults road accidents etc I tried it makes you burnout , abnormal and life unenjoyable. Not only that even if you are aware you may not be succeed in thwarting it just as just being aware does not win you the fight. Even if you are aware of the dangers of the road won’t make you immune to road accidents. You can be overwhelmed submitted by /u/LisanneFroonKrisK

Life Pro Tips 653 2024-02-27

Not at-fault accidents jacking up my auto insurance

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Not at-fault accidents jacking up my auto insurance My wife had two no fault accident since last February, one backing into her at drive through, another rear ending her at traffic stop. And one at-fault accident when she hit someone changing lanes with rental car that she was using while fixing her car from the last accident. Texas laws allow insurance company to increase rate even for no-fault …

Reddit Personal Finance 788 2023-12-07

LPT:No matter how experienced you are at maintenance/engineering/contracting/etc or no matter how simple the job is, make a habit of checking your work area and asking for help if you’re not 100% sure. A few seconds can prevent serious accidents or save lives.

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LPT:No matter how experienced you are at maintenance/engineering/contracting/etc or no matter how simple the job is, make a habit of checking your work area and asking for help if you’re not 100% sure. A few seconds can prevent serious accidents or save lives. submitted by /u/MoistCurdyMaxiPad

Life Pro Tips 495 2023-11-26

[LPT] Always keep spare clothes at your workplace for unexpected spills or accidents

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Always keep spare clothes at your workplace for unexpected spills or accidents It’s always a good idea to have a backup shirt and pants at your workplace, especially if you live far away. You never know when you might spill coffee or ketchup during lunch, or if a child vomits on you during your morning commute. Thank you to everyone who suggested keeping emergency underwear too, it’s definitely a wise decision. If you use …

Life Pro Tips 190 2023-09-13