
I want to transfer 15k dollars between accounts, but my account has an ach limit of 5k. Can I do 3 transfers without getting into trouble?

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I want to transfer 15k dollars between accounts, but my account has an ach limit of 5k. Can I do 3 transfers without getting into trouble? I want to transfer 15k dollars from my payroll card to my bank’s checking account, but the daily transfer limit is 5k. Would I be able to transfer 5k three different times without getting in trouble since it may seem like structuring which is illegal? submitted by /u/PearScape

Reddit Personal Finance 1.2k 2024-07-27

$15k in debt and trying to pay it off, need advice!

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$15k in debt and trying to pay it off, need advice! Hello all! I am 26 years old and am currently in debt about $15k. About $9k of that is Credit Cards (irresponsible spending habits that I am currently working towards changing, starting with getting rid of all my physical cards and removing them from digital wallets), and the remaining is my car payment which I have about 6k left on. I work ful…

Reddit Personal Finance 538 2024-07-17

Investing 15K for parent, what would your recommend? (Index vs ETF)

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Investing 15K for parent, what would your recommend? (Index vs ETF) My mom is 60, no income, owns house, not too much savings in cash. Im going to use my money and invest 15K for her, through fidelity. For this amount, what would you recommend I invest in for her? I want to be conservative, just mainly want to do better than the current HYSA interest rate. Thank you in advance for any guidance or advance. I am …

Reddit Personal Finance 690 2024-06-26

24, no debt, live with my grandparents, what do I do with the 15k (and growing) in my bank account?

( www.reddit.com )

24, no debt, live with my grandparents, what do I do with the 15k (and growing) in my bank account? Currently make 28/hr or roughly 60k a year. Only major expenses are car insurance for a 2011 Subaru at 160/month, gas for said Subaru, eating out every few days, and miscellaneous expenses. I’ve rebuilt my savings after a year of a low paying leisure job, and am now just starting to figure there should be something smarter to do with my money ot…

Reddit Personal Finance 993 2024-06-17

What to do with 15k as a 19 year old student

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What to do with 15k as a 19 year old student Hello everyone. I’m a college student, and by the end of this summer, I’ll have somewhere between 10 and 13k saved up(with another 2k in refunds next year) . I don’t see myself needing the money anytime soon, so I was looking to invest it as safely as possible. I expect to make more money every year from now, so I was planning on maxing out the …

Reddit Personal Finance 533 2024-06-17

15k savings. Car down payment vs investing.

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15k savings. Car down payment vs investing. Hi all, I’m 27 F, with annual income of 80k. I’m in serious need of a car right now to commute. I have 15k in savings , my brother suggest I put all of it in the down payment. I have emergency savings of 7k and a 401k. Please advise on ways to use this amount and also suggest what would be an ideal price for a new car for my income. The ones I l…

Reddit Personal Finance 767 2024-06-13

Which digital camera under 15k-10k is good for beginners?

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Which digital camera under 15k-10k is good for beginners? So I’ve always been interested in capturing moments/memories or just random scenery and other things. And now after lot of requesting from my father to get me a camera from past 3 years. He has agreed for it but he has given a budget of camera under 15k-10k (RUPEES). So I’d appreciate if y’all give me some good digital camera suggestions for a b…

Ask Photography 751 2024-06-13

$15k gift, should I put it towards my house or student loans?

( www.reddit.com )

$15k gift, should I put it towards my house or student loans? My father passed away recently and my mother finally received a life insurance payout. On top of paying me back the money I’ve lent her since my father’s death, she is gifting me an extra $15,000. I have about $70k in student loans. I own a home with my wife. We have about $10k in cash savings, about $80k in retirement savings. We are both 29 ye…

Reddit Personal Finance 810 2024-06-12

22 With 15K worth of debts how can I get out

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22 With 15K worth of debts how can I get out I am 22 UK have about 15k worth of debt. The debt is 10k on one car, 2.5k on another car and about 3,5k on a credit card. I have make on average 1.2k a month. Due to me being really young and dumb i have now racked this up. What would be the best way of tackling this and what should i focus on? ​ I have got a balancer transfer on my CC so now I …

Reddit Personal Finance 954 2024-04-17

QUESTION: should I take on 15k of student loan debt to graduate with a CFP designation in 2 years. Or spread it out over 5-6 and graduate with no debt?

( www.reddit.com )

QUESTION: should I take on 15k of student loan debt to graduate with a CFP designation in 2 years. Or spread it out over 5-6 and graduate with no debt? QUESTION: should I take on 15k of student loan debt to graduate with a CFP designation in 2 years. Or spread it out over 5-6 and graduate with no debt? QUESTION: should I take on 15k of student loan debt to graduate with a CFP designation in 2 years. Or spread it out over 5-6 and graduate with no debt? For reference, I am 30 year old woman and I…

Reddit Personal Finance 753 2024-04-15

15k in CC debt – not sure next steps

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15k in CC debt – not sure next steps I take home $3,600 every month. Reoccurring bills equal $1500 a month. What CC debt should I tackle first, and how long will this realistically take me to pay off?? am ex (29%) 5,495 chase slate (0% until nov 2024) 5,860 us bank (3% until nov 2024) 3,850 TOTAL 15205 submitted by /u/mediumstirs

Reddit Personal Finance 969 2024-03-21

15k CC debt, slowly paying it off but it’s overwhelming looking at how much we pay each month and how long we’re going to be paying

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15k CC debt, slowly paying it off but it’s overwhelming looking at how much we pay each month and how long we’re going to be paying We made poor choices years ago and it’s haunting us in the form of credit card debt. Between working at unstable jobs, growing up in poverty and being financially inept, living paycheck to paycheck, and overspending we got ourselves into a hole. For the first time in a while we finally feel like we’re in a position to tackle this debt and erase …

Reddit Personal Finance 746 2024-02-05

Need 15k for furnace replacement

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Need 15k for furnace replacement Hello, Our furnace is old and so we called to get an estimate. It turns out that we don’t need just a new furnace, but the entire system and ductwork (I don’t really understand, but thats what the guy said) is outdated and they will be looking at around 15k to bring it up to today’s standards. I know that I should get multiple quotes for this, a…

Reddit Personal Finance 994 2024-01-31

What to do with my $15k HSA

( www.reddit.com )

What to do with my $15k HSA I have an HSA with $15k in it. I built it up at a few jobs, rolled it over to an account at Fidelity, and have it all invested in something uninteresting. I don’t see myself using it again because I don’t see myself using a HDHP again. I was young and stupid, and skipped care I should have gotten so I could save those sweet tax-exempt dollars. N…

Reddit Personal Finance 1.3k 2024-01-29

Gifted 15k in stocks from my mother, what should I do with it?

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Gifted 15k in stocks from my mother, what should I do with it? Hey everyone! My mom gifted me 15k in stocks Phillip Morris and Altria. I’m currently 22 still in school studying finance and have about a year left. I work part time as a server and struggle to not use the money to help pay for tuition/rent. My tuition is about $2500/ semester and my rent is about $1300/month. I really don’t want to run this ac…

Reddit Personal Finance 1.2k 2024-01-21

I have 15k cash. I have 4.5K of credit card debt and I need a winter vehicle…how do I play this smart?

( www.reddit.com )

I have 15k cash. I have 4.5K of credit card debt and I need a winter vehicle…how do I play this smart? My credit isn’t the best. Currently at a 680. I have enough to finally get a clean slate and be debt free but winters coming and I have no vehicle. I need a reliable 4×4 to get by so it is definitely my main priority. Should I clean my debt and find a vehicle with the left over? Should I pay half my debt and have more budget for my vehicle? I r…

Reddit Personal Finance 1.2k 2024-01-13

15K in credit card debt

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15K in credit card debt Hi everyone, I have about 15k in credit card debt and a bad credit score… I want to fix it and pay off all my debt but I’m unsure how to do it, could someone give me some advice? I don’t want to ruin my debt for future purposes Thank you! submitted by /u/Kpisces0713

Reddit Personal Finance 435 2023-11-19