#Life Pro Tips


LPT: Cooking half your meals from scratch and buying premade meals for the other half is time and cost effective.

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LPT: Cooking half your meals from scratch and buying premade meals for the other half is time and cost effective. Cooking all your meals from scratch each week is pretty time consuming. It’s healthier for sure, but most people don’t have the time to cook everything from scratch. There’s also the higher likelihood of food rotting in the fridge if you leave it in too long, or just forgetting. Cooking for half the week, I tend to waste food less and save time….

Life Pro Tips 344 2025-01-16

LPT: Received an email that appears to be from (say) Amazon or Netflix or something, but it doesn’t specify an order you genuinely made? Go directly to the real website through your browser instead of clicking any links in the email.

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LPT: Received an email that appears to be from (say) Amazon or Netflix or something, but it doesn’t specify an order you genuinely made? Go directly to the real website through your browser instead of clicking any links in the email. On a computer in particular (as opposed to a mobile phone) you can hover over the link without actually clicking on it. This of course isn’t foolproof, as a “fake” URL might use similar-looking characters, but it should catch some of the “weaker” attempts to scam people. submitted by /u/dickcheney600

Life Pro Tips 752 2025-01-16

LPT: There are at least three different species sold as canned tuna in the US, and they all taste very different.

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LPT: There are at least three different species sold as canned tuna in the US, and they all taste very different. I learned this from a cooking YouTuber recently. I never really appreciated the difference between canned tuna varieties in the US, but have subsequently been trying them to confirm the differences. “Light tuna” comes from a species called skipjack tuna, and has a very strong fishy flavor. “White tuna,” also known as albacore, has an extremely …

Life Pro Tips 531 2025-01-16

LPT: Sleeping inclined while sick? Use a travel pillow to stay comfortable.

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LPT: Sleeping inclined while sick? Use a travel pillow to stay comfortable. Sleeping at an incline helps with breathing when you’re sick, but it can be super uncomfortable. I recently discovered that using a cheap neck-wrap travel pillow helps keep my head from flopping over and makes sleeping upright way easier. Give it a try next time you’re battling a cold! submitted by /u/HIIT-Genius

Life Pro Tips 680 2025-01-16

Potential LPT for Remote Start on Vehicle

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Potential LPT for Remote Start on Vehicle Not sure if I’m just lucky or if anyone else has gamed the system like this but I have a newer SUV that came with Onstar Capabilities included for free for like 6 months. Honestly the only feature I find convenient in the service is access to do remote start through your phone which is part of their Essentials Plan. (I live in a cold climate and…

Life Pro Tips 1.0k 2025-01-16

LPT: When discarding an appliance, sell any working parts on eBay as used

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LPT: When discarding an appliance, sell any working parts on eBay as used Replacement parts for appliances often have a high mark-up because the manufacturer wants you to buy a new one instead of repairing it. If for example you are disposing of a fridge, remove the control board, condenser fan, and ice maker, among other parts, and sell them assuming they are all working. You can sometimes make a couple hundred dolla…

Life Pro Tips 1.2k 2025-01-16

LPT: Set Aside a Dedicated Fund for Impromptu Expenses

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LPT: Set Aside a Dedicated Fund for Impromptu Expenses When budgeting, it’s common to allocate a buffer amount for unexpected or emergency expenses. However, this approach might fall short if the buffer is too small or the expenses exceed expectations. To better manage such situations, consider setting aside a separate fund specifically for impromptu expenses, covering a period of six months to a ye…

Life Pro Tips 1.1k 2025-01-16

LPT: If you’re having trouble falling asleep, try counting backward from 300 in increments of 3. It may sound strange, but it forces your brain to focus and distracts you from any racing thoughts, helping you fall asleep faster.

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LPT: If you’re having trouble falling asleep, try counting backward from 300 in increments of 3. It may sound strange, but it forces your brain to focus and distracts you from any racing thoughts, helping you fall asleep faster. If you have trouble falling asleep, try counting backward from 300 in increments of three. The mental task of focusing on the numbers can help distract your mind from overthinking and ease you into relaxation. It works better than just trying to “clear your mind” because it gives your brain something simple but engaging to do. Give it a shot nex…

Life Pro Tips 510 2025-01-16

LPT on how to get connections

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LPT on how to get connections I don’t know if this post is relevant here am gonna do it anyway How do you make connections where I live ( algeri a ) it feels like it’s either impossible or I need to have some kind of super magic power. Here this country does organize conventions even when I was in uni nothing I tried to go to club but they are ghost towns ( I was the only on…

Life Pro Tips 331 2025-01-16

LPT: How to instantly stop any muscle cramps that occur

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LPT: How to instantly stop any muscle cramps that occur In the past I’ve had muscle cramps that lasted many many seconds or even minutes, but now, I never get muscle cramps that last longer than 1 second. This is from my personal experience and I haven’t directly tested it on other people yet. Here’s why I think my method works: Whenever you contract your bicep like 💪 , your brain also forces the tri…

Life Pro Tips 781 2025-01-15

LPT: Protect surfaces by layering painter’s tape under packing tape for heavy-duty tasks (e.g. taping wooden furniture pieces together during apartment moves)

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LPT: Protect surfaces by layering painter’s tape under packing tape for heavy-duty tasks (e.g. taping wooden furniture pieces together during apartment moves) Inb4 gaff/gaffer’s tape. Trust me, I’m a huge fan, too, but it can be a lot more expensive than both of the above combined (especially at bulk), and cheaper options (anecdotally) have been lacking lately, in terms of strength and residue. submitted by /u/0000000000000007

Life Pro Tips 376 2025-01-15

LPT: If Someone accidentally sends you something embarrassing when meaning to send something else, simply respond “I don’t see it” or “It’s not loading for me” Never mention it again. You save them from embarrassment and save yourself from an awkward situation.

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LPT: If Someone accidentally sends you something embarrassing when meaning to send something else, simply respond “I don’t see it” or “It’s not loading for me” Never mention it again. You save them from embarrassment and save yourself from an awkward situation. Feel free to tell them to delete it and send it again. You probably shouldn’t have that on your phone anyways. Don’t take a screenshot or save it in any way. It’s personal, and they didn’t intend to share it with you. submitted by /u/Ok_Needleworker4388

Life Pro Tips 384 2025-01-15