I lived in Honolulu for 2 years. Before leaving Hawaii, I want to visit 2 island nations with direct flights from Honolulu for a unique experience. Which two should I choose out of the 7 possibilities? Currently leaning towards Kirimati and Fiji.

I lived in Honolulu for 2 years. Before leaving Hawaii, I want to visit 2 island nations with direct flights from Honolulu for a unique experience. Which two should I choose out of the 7 possibilities? Currently leaning towards Kirimati and Fiji. I lived in Honolulu for 2 years and visited all Hawaiian islands many times, including Lanai. Before I leave Hawaii, which two island nations listed below should I visit? They all have direct flights from Honolulu, and I'm aiming for an experience vastly different from what I had in Hawaii:
Kirimati Cook Islands Fiji American Samoa Guam Tahiti ...

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